Angels are easy to make, have many uses and can be crafted from out of so many different mediums. Of course angels make great Christmas ornaments, but other uses for angels include party favors, incommunicable pal gifts and holder adornments. Homemade angels can be attached to Christmas cards, wreaths and so much more. What would the holiday season be without angels?
Felt Angel - Cut a body and wings out of 2 pieces of felt. Glue or use double sided tape to attach the 2 body pieces and wing pieces. Use a wooden bead for her head and yarn for her hair. To attach her head, take a integrate of stitches in the neck of the felt. Pull the thread through the top and bottom hole of the bead. Loop the thread for a hanger and pull it back down to the neck. Tie it off.
Angel Halloween
Clothespin Angel - Use an old-fashioned clothespin, a wooden bead head and 5 inches of 4" wide gathered lace for her dress. Use 20 inches of 1" wide lace fashioned into a bow for her wings.
Leaf Angel - Use large leaves for the body, half a walnut shell for the head and long narrow leaves for the arms. Fashion an oval with the large leaves and glue them together. Glue the half walnut shell close to the top for a head. Glue the ends of the long narrow leaves under the head and fold them in so they are touching. Add a bouquet of flowers in the arms.
Pinecone Angel - Use a pinecone the body and remove the petals off an additional one pinecone and fashion angel wings from the pinecone petals. A small wooden ball or styrofoam ball can be her head.
Yarn Angel
Use about 10 yards of baby yarn. Use a 4" x 4" piece of cardboard and wrap the yarn nearby it 40 times. Slide the yarn off the cardboard carefully. Tie one end of loops together at the top (using the same baby yarn). Cut the bottom loops of yarn. Tie off a head about 1" below the top of the yarn. Use embroidery floss to make a nose, eyes and mouth.
Arms - pull 15 strands of yarn from each side below the neckline. Tie the arms one inch from the body.
Waist - Tie a waist (using the baby yarn) one inch below where the neck is tied. Fold the arms across the waist so the hands touch and sew them to the body.
Wings - buy cardboard wings or make them yourself and fasten to the back of the angel. Add a wire halo and thread loop for hanging.
Ribbon Angel
2 silver pipe cleaners
ribbon - 8" long
wooden bead (with hole)
gold embroidery floss
white glue
Tie the ribbon into a bow. This will be the angel's body. Bend one pipe cleaner in half. Insert it into the hole in the bead with a minute white glue. Cut the embroidery floss for hair and add eyes and a mouth with a permanent marker. Spread glue on the top of the head and add hair.
Make a halo with the other pipe cleaner. Insert the pipe cleaner with the head and the pipe cleaner stick that has the halo with the knot of the bow.
Noodle Angel
Glue: Hot glue, silicone glue
Paint: White spray paint, red and black paint
Noodles: Bow tie, macaroni, ragatoni, small Acini di pepe pasta
3/4" wooden head ball
White thumb tack
Head and Body: Glue the head ball to the top of a ragatoni noodle with hot glue.
Hair: Using a toothpick, put silicone glue on the angel's ball head only where the hair will be. Then hold the body and roll the head in the acini di pepe pasta in a dish. Press noodles down firmly.
Tree Hanger: Cut a 4 inch piece of gold thread. Fold the thread in half and work the ends of the thread under the hair noodles with a toothpick. Let the glue dry well.
The Rest: Glue on 2 macaroni noodles for her arms and a bow tie noodle for her wings with silicone glue. The macaroni noodles should be placed flat against her body so they kind of look like small telephone receivers. Both holes of the macaroni noodle will be facing you. Set the thumb tack at the end of her arms for a candlestick. Let it dry. Spray paint the angel with white spray paint. When dry, use a stylus or the end of a paintbrush and draw a small mouth and eyes. Paint the very tip of the thumbtack red. Make a small red bow and gluei it under the angel's head.
If you can't find acini di pepe pasta, you can use any other teeny tiny noodles you can locate.
Angel Crafts - 7 Christmas Angels to Make
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