Remember the days when you didn't buy your kids Halloween costumes? Instead, Moms (or kids) would make the costumes! normally it would be something uncomplicated like a ghost or a hobo, and the kids were satisfied with that. If you had a mom who had a exiguous time and some sewing skills, sometimes they'd be more elaborate. I remember one year our mom made my older brother a hot dog costume! The year before that, he was a Christmas Tree!
These days though, our children are much more demanding. They want to be the latest super hero, or a character in a movie they just saw. It's a exiguous much for mom to make at home. Sometimes they even want multiple costumes, so they don't have to show up at dissimilar parties in the same costume. Store bought costumes though, are not only costly for one night of wear, but they lack imagination and creativity. More and more people seem to be going back to wearing homemade costumes. The more creative, the better!
Angel Halloween
There are many benefits to manufacture your own costume. For one, it's normally a lot economy than buying a costume. A lot of times, you can use stuff you've already got laying around the house. manufacture your costume requires some imagination and creativity, things a lot of kids these days are missing out on. It's something that kids and parents can do together, and time together is something else we don't get a lot of. Homemade costumes are best for contests too! people are more impressed with something you made yourself, and kids are more proud to wear it.
All you have to do to find some great homemade costume ideas is to look around your own home. Do you have sweatshirts and sweatpants? That's half of a costume right there! There's lots of things you can do depending on what color they are. Are they white? Add some spots and come to be a Dalmation. With some wings and a halo you're an angel! If your clothes are green, find an old headband and hot glue some "petals" onto it cut out from fun foam. It's a flower! A brown outfit and and you can be a dog, or my personal favorite, a clothesline! My family has won contests with that one! All you need is two people, matching sweats, some rope, and some funny underwear to hang on it!
Some other great ideas you can do with stuff you already have is a tired housewife/mom costume, or a hobo, or a gypsy. You can just throw together a bunch of remnants from Halloweens past and just be "Halloween". Anything you do, it's bound to be a hit with a exiguous exertion and imagination. You may just have the best costume out there! Happy Halloween!
Homemade Halloween Costumes
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